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- Nichols, Amie
Suspicion At Sea Page 6
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Page 6
“Thanks.” I take the towel from her and run it over my hair and down my arms. “I actually wanted to check on one of your guests. Her name is Ellie.” She gives me a knowing smile. At least she's not bitching about my dad anymore.
“You're not here to cause trouble with that lovely woman are you?” she says in her sweet old voice.
“No, ma'am, I would never.” I return her smile and she tells me what room Ellie is in. Taking the steps two at a time, I stop in front of room four. I take a deep breath before I knock lightly, but don't hear any movement so I knock a little harder, still nothing. Surely she didn't go out in the storm. I get a knot in my stomach, my heart rate speeds up the longer there is no response. Fuck, Justin, calm down, I scold myself.
I try the doorknob, but it is locked. I knock one more time, only this time it's almost a pound. I hear movement inside and feel instant relief from the sound. There is some scattering and then the door opens a little.
“Ellie?” I ask as she peeks out before pulling the chain off the door when she sees it is me. Opening it for me, she looks groggy but still amazingly beautiful in a long t-shirt that goes halfway down her thighs. She also has a gun in her hand pointed toward the floor.
“Wow, I really fell asleep.” She yawns, sitting back on the bed, placing her gun in the bedside drawer like it is normal.
“Who were you expecting?” I motion toward the drawer her gun now rests in.
“Oh, I don't know, just always cautious.” She waves it off.
“What do you have to be cautious about?” I think of my own paranoia recently.
“Earlier my door was open when I knew, well at least I thought I knew, that I locked it. Then waking up to the banging, I don't know,” she's trying to blow it off. I think for a minute I should tell her about the shadows and the man on my boat, but decide against it not knowing what to make of it myself.
“I just wanted to check on you.” My eyes scan the room and the first thing I see are two cell phones on the bedside table. Why does she have two phones?
“One is a personal phone, one is a bureau phone. Another habit I guess,” she quickly explains when she sees where my eyes go.
“Yeah, that makes sense.” It doesn't because she is on vacation and is answering the door with a loaded gun.
“I'm sorry, did you try calling? The last thing I remember I laid down for a little nap right after our phone call. Holy shit, is it really nine right now?” She stands up now seeming more awake. “I can't believe I slept for five hours.”
“You must have needed it, I'm sorry I woke you.” I feel ridiculous that I didn't think she could handle herself in a small storm.
“I'm glad you did, I'm starving. I don't suppose there is anywhere to eat that would be open?” she asks, getting up and going into the bathroom.
“I'm sure the diner is open. No storm would make them close,” I shout now that she is behind closed doors. Maybe she's way more comfortable with me, or maybe it's because she is still sleepy and doesn't have her guard up, but she is acting like we've known each other for years. “Can I take you to get something to eat?” I'm hoping that is what she's getting at anyway.
“Yes, please. Let me change and we can take my rental car,” she says, coming through the door.
“I think you look very cute in that, don't change on my behalf.” I wink at her, she blushes, and my dick twitches. Damn.
“Yeah, well, I still think I'll put on some pants,” she laughs.
“I'll wait for you downstairs.” I'm being a gentleman, even though I hang for a second to see if she will protest, perhaps, and have me stay.
“Okay, I'll be down in a minute,” she says, going to the closet and I leave to go to the sitting room.
Esther and I make small talk while I wait. She tells me everything she thinks my dad is doing wrong as Sheriff. I only half listen because I don't care. After about fifteen minutes, Ellie comes down the stairs now wearing jeans and a long sleeve Colorado University t-shirt. There's something; Colorado, she said she was from the Midwest. Her hair is down and has soft curls in it. I'm a little sad she is so covered up, but she still looks beautiful even in her very plain clothes.
“I can't believe how hungry I am,” Ellie says, holding her hand at her belly.
“I can make you something to eat, dear,” Esther offers, I can see that Ellie is quickly trying to come up with a polite way to turn her down.
“I was going to take her to the diner.” I stand and move to Ellie's side.
“Oh, yes. Good choice,” Esther says, going back to reading her book.
Ellie gives me a smile and shrugs, like saying that was easy.
“Shall we?” I offer her my arm and she loops hers in it by my elbow.
“We shall,” she snickers.
A plain black Ford Taurus is her rental car. She hands me the keys and it only takes a few minutes to get to the diner. The storm is nothing more than some far off rumbles of thunder and a few sprinkles now.
The diner has three people in it. It is open 24/7 for the fishermen, because they go out and come in at all hours depending on what they are fishing for.
“It's not fancy, but they have great food,” I offer when we walk into the small, but clean and brightly lit restaurant and sit at a booth toward the back.
“Justin, your usual, love?” I nod to Maxine, one of the night waitresses who is in her forties, plump, and very sweet.
“I'll take his usual also,” Ellie says when the waitress turns to her. Maxine jots down our orders and drinks on her pad and turns toward the kitchen.
“I hope you like liver and onions.” I smile.
“My favorite,” she comes right back at me, making me laugh. “I figured that so far we have a lot in common, so why not take a chance. Besides, I'm so hungry right now I would probably eat anything.”
“Healthy appetite, I like that.” I take a sip of the water Maxine set in front of us.
“Yeah, well, you might not be saying that when you see me wolf down whatever I just ordered.”
“Did you go to Colorado University?” I point to the logo on her shirt.
“No, this is actually one of my dad's t-shirts. It's ancient, but I love wearing it,” she answers, and she brings the sleeves of the shirt up to her nose.
Just when I'm about to ask another question, Maxine brings us two plates with giant cheeseburgers and fries on them.
“I was thinking this might be your usual.” Ellie's eyes light up at the mountain of food in front of her.
We make small talk while we eat.
“Are you going to tell me where you live?” It's driving me crazy not knowing where she is going when she leaves here.
“Well, my parents' house that I own is in Chicago, which is where I grew up. I also have a cabin in Minnesota and an apartment in D.C., which is where I currently live.” She spills it all out, and I'm amazed at the change in her. I like it, I like it a lot.
“Wow, that's a lot of real estate,” I say as she takes a big bite of cheeseburger. She finishes chewing before she answers.
“I inherited the house and haven't been able to bring myself to sell it. Even though I haven't been back since right after my parents were mur..." Her lips close so fast it's like they have magnets in them.
“What?” I almost think something is wrong, like she is choking, at the speed at which she stopped talking.
“Nothing, I've just never opened up with anyone so fast before. I never talk with anyone about my parents’ death, only Cody,” she says, and I feel my jaw tighten with jealousy. This is the second time today I've felt an emotion I've never felt before.
“Who's Cody?” I try with all my might not to sound as jealous as I'm feeling, but who's the man she only shares her feelings with?
“He's my partner, my best friend, and the only person I have that I consider family,” she answers.
“Oh.” I'm not sure how to take this. “Sounds like he is someone very special to you.” I know there is contention
in my voice.
“Yes, he is, but not how you are thinking.” She reaches over the table and touches her fingers to mine. “The point is, that I'm telling you things, things that took me three years to open up to Cody with and I've only known you for four days,” she says. I know exactly what she is talking about. I move my fingers so they interlace with hers.
“I'm glad you feel like you can open up with me.” I half smile, feeling silly at my sudden attack of raging jealousy. “Were you going to say that your parents were murdered?” I stumble with the question, not sure if I should ask. She nods, putting her head down and taking her hand back. It's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to push her on the subject, I don't even like talking about my mom's death. I couldn't imagine if she was taken from me by the hands of someone else, cancer was horrible enough.
“Damn, I am so full.” She pushes away her plate after a few minutes of silence. She has eaten half of the burger and only made a small dent in the fries.
“You barely touched it.” I laugh as I finish the last bite of my burger.
“Whatever.” She throws a fry at me. “That was a fucking big-ass burger,” she retorts, cussing like a sailor, which I also find very sexy.
“What a dirty little mouth you have,” I tease, wanting very much to kiss that perfect mouth again.
“My apologies, did my words hurt your tender ears?” She laughs and I give her my best smile.
“Yes, they did. I think I need a kiss to ease the pain,” I say it teasingly, but mean it wholeheartedly.
“In your dreams, frogman,” she teases back.
“Yes, certainly in my dreams.” I'm more serious and this makes her blush again. I look down at my plate then back up. She is staring at me, her eyes soft. I feel she wants to say something, but she doesn't. It's a moment, a fleeting one, but a moment where our connection seems to get stronger.
“You said you wanted to show me something tomorrow, what is it?” she says, very good at changing the subject.
“That is a surprise. You will just have to wait until tomorrow.” I lay two twenties on the table to pay for our dinners and the tip.
“No, let me get it,” she says grabbing her purse.
“The man pays on a date.” I hold up my hand and scoot out of the booth.
“I wasn't aware this was a date.” She laughs and scoots to the edge of her seat.
“Yes, our second one if you count me paying for breakfast.”
“I said I'd pay you back,” she argues.
“Too late, it was already a date, and this makes two.” I laugh and take her hand. I take it without even thinking, like it's the most natural thing in the world. She doesn't pull away from me either, and I have a huge smile on my face. That is until Jake and Tammy Coons walk into the diner. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I feel Ellie tense up next to me when she sees him.
“Your kin is missing at sea and you are out having a great time with some slut tourist,” Jake scoffs, looking Ellie up and down. He sways a little bit and is noticeably drunk.
“He's not my kin, and the only slut in this building is your sister,” I growl, feeling my jaw twitch with anger.
“Fuck you, Justin,” Tammy shoots back. “Jade needed a real woman, your sister couldn't give him what he really wanted.” She holds her belly tight and I know I have a look of utter shock on my face.
“That's right, that there kid in there guarantees that everything will go to Tammy.” Jake smiles evilly, pointing to his sister's stomach. “Hey, you, I like it rough if you want to give it another go.” His slimy face turns toward Ellie.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” I have to laugh at their stupidity as Ellie makes a noise of disgust to Jake's comment.
“It's not my fault your sister is all dried up,” Tammy adds vindictively. My body hardens; I've been trying to stay calm. I go to drop Ellie's hand, but she squeezes tighter, not letting it go. Damn, she is strong too. I turn to look at her standing next to me, no distance between us.
“Are they worth it?” she asks, looking up at me.
It's like a magic spell; her face and her words make me forget all about the waste of spaces in front of me.
“Hell, no.” I give her a smile and a wink then lead her out of the diner, leaving Jake and Tammy with open mouths. Their goading didn't work like Jake knew it usually did. Been in a few fights with him when we were kids. He's always known how to push my buttons.
Chapter 18
Justin drives back to the B&B in silence. When we pull up to the front of the house, I ask, "Jade was your brother-in-law and I take it he was cheating on your sister with that girl?” I'm hoping I'm not hitting a nerve, but there was some really bad blood there.
“Yes, I can't believe she's pregnant. This is going to kill Suzy.”
“Was she having trouble getting pregnant?” I recall the dried up comment from the tall, skinny, bleached blonde at the diner.
“She can't have children. Something is wrong with her ovaries or something like that,” Justin tries to explain.
“I'm sorry.” I can hear the pain he has for what his sister is going through.
“Thank you.” He turns to me with a half-smile.
“Is there money to be inherited? You don't have to answer that, I'm being so nosy. It's just, what Jake said back there...” I back pedal, not believing I just asked such a question.
“We don't know, he's done a lot of work to keep Suzy from any money. The worst part is that she spent her whole inheritance on his business.” Justin explains about his and her trust funds, and about what they found out from the lawyer. “So, whatever the hell Jake Coons was talking about is news to me. Damn it, this is going to put Suzy over the edge.” Justin grunts, hitting the steering wheel with the palm of his hand.
“Is there anything I can do?” I ask helplessly, feeling so bad for him and his sister.
“No, but thank you. Just you offering means a lot.” He gets out of the car and walks around to open my door.
I get out and I lean up against the car. My heart starts racing, really wanting another amazing kiss. Justin places one hand on the roof of the car by my head and the other goes to my waist as he leans in closer.
“I'll pick you up at eight a.m. tomorrow,” he whispers, his mouth brushing my ear. He looks down at me with his big dimpled smile that gives me goose bumps every time. Leaning down, he kisses my cheek very softly then hands me the keys. As he turns to walk away I grab his forearm. He twists back around and gives me a questioning look.
“That's it, that's all I get?” I pout, wounded by the very bad goodnight kiss. He moves my hand from his arm and, taking it in his, brings it up to his mouth. Kissing my palm gently, he stares at me.
“If I start, I won't be able to stop. So yes, gorgeous, that is it. I'll see you tomorrow,” he says with one of those panty-wetting winks. I'm shocked, my mouth has to be hanging open as I watch him jog away toward the direction of his boat. I hear him chuckle to himself before he is out of earshot.
I lean up against the car, dumbfounded, for a few minutes before I drag myself into the B&B. I can't decide if I'm fighting this attraction or saying fuck it and going all in. All I know is that the man does things to me, things I like extremely well, things that make my head foggy and void of all reason.
“Having fun?” Cody asks when I answer my phone after seeing it's him.
“Yeah,” I answer, sitting on my bed, still wondering why Justin left so abruptly.
“Are you sure? That didn't sound too convincing, lady.”
“I met someone. He's great, like really great.” I can't help but spill my guts to Cody, I wouldn't be able to hide it anyway.
“Okay, so what's the catch then?”
“Umm, I'm on vacation and it would just be a fling.”
“Ellie, you deserve some fun for once. Do something for yourself, something you want to do that makes you feel good,” Cody reprimands through the phone.
“Something tells me it won't feel good when it's time to leave.” The fact I'm only here a short time keeps nagging at me.
“You know better than anyone how short life is, and if you like this guy, this frogman– Hell, you never know what could happen, but don't not do it because you are afraid of the future,” he lectures. He's right, I know he's right.
“Can you check to see if there has been any chatter about a disappearance?” I explain to him about the boat, the brothers, Justin's sister, and the money. Jake Coons was acting like there was something worth inheriting if Jade McGill was pronounced dead. To hear Justin tell it, though, it was like all of the money was spent. To me, all that is left is a cracked boat and a warehouse. Nothing that I think would amount to much.
“Yeah, I will look into it. What are you thinking?” he asks, knowing my FBI brain is working overtime.
“I just can't believe there's no media attention. Something like this should have all the news affiliates out. Plus, the boat is sitting out for anyone or anything to tamper with. It's just not right,” I think out loud, biting my lower lip. “I want you to check into Jade McGill's accounts too,” I add, knowing it won't be easy for him to do, but it will be easier for him than me.
“I'll ask Tommy to do his magic. When he knows it's for you he'll do anything,” Cody offers about our computer geek at the bureau. Tommy is a genius and can find out anything about anyone. He's only twenty-four, but has had a little crush on me since he started when he was nineteen. He was a lifesaver for me during my two years in LDR. I could send him the vaguest message and he would come back with exactly what I needed.
“Tell him if he doesn't want to do it, it is fine.” Tommy has done more than one favor for me that could cost him his job.
“Oh, I know he will do it. Don't fret about Tommy, he knows how to get in without being seen.” We say our goodbyes. “And don't think so much, just do what feels good,” he adds before we hang up.