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Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series) Page 3

  "Seriously!" Ian grates.

  "Relax mate, she was just giving me a goodbye hug." Rex stands up facing Ian. "She's got it bad for you. You're one lucky son of a bitch." Rex takes a step forward taking Ian's hand and leaning in. "If you hurt her, I swear.... I'll fuck you up." He warns with a loud whisper.

  Ian lets out a low chuckle at the warning. "Yeah, I don't think you have to worry about that." Ian smiles at me, giving me his dimples.

  "Oh, and don't think I'm going to stop calling her baby girl either." Rex adds with attitude.

  "As long as you know that she is MINE....." Ian spits back.

  "Okay, boys, that's enough."

  The next couple of weeks go by in a blur. With Matt selling his shares promptly, a meeting was called. The board had all divided up the shares and bought them not wanting to bring in someone new right now. Rex left the next morning to return to camp, Ian assuring him that as soon as we found his dad we would let him know. He called me about every other day anyway just to check in. Rex was still torn up about the tape. I tried to reassure him that it wasn't his fault, but I knew him, and he was not going to rest until his dad was six feet under.

  He's in the wind, I heard Ian saying to Sam, his partner back in North Carolina. With the change in the board, the contracts have been put off for now. It was actually Ian's idea to wait since he had his plate full with trying to find Jim Olsen.

  I had phoned Ethan to let him know to come to New York. He was going to the "castle" to oversee the remodel. It wasn't anything too drastic, just new floors fresh paint and all new furniture. I did finally tell Ian that I had hired Ethan as my personal assistant, and to my surprise he didn't fight me on it. "I'll be around you all the time, so if he tries anything I'll be there to take care of him." He teased me, but I think what it really is is that he trusts me.

  The mysterious package that was sent to my Aunt Kate, that she had over-nighted to New York, has not arrived. Somehow it disappeared, and IPS told us they couldn't locate it. This made me very nervous not knowing what was in it.

  We still haven't looked in the vault. I want to wait until things settle down to do it. I have no idea what could be in there, and right now I don't need any more stress.

  Ian doesn't want me to stay in New York right now with not having the slightest idea where Jim Olsen is, so I was on my way with Ian to North Carolina. There was no arguing with him on this fact; I was going with him and that was that.

  Ian is never far from me. We’ve spent a lot of time getting to know each other. He always has to be touching me or have me in his sights. We stayed in New York holed up in the penthouse while Ian was getting his bearings. Both of us could work from there as long as we had the internet, a phone, and a laptop.

  But it was getting harder for Ian. He needed to get back, to take care of things in person. Plus his Uncle Troy is getting married next weekend and Ian is a groomsman. His Uncle, who only happened to be five years older than Ian, was an oops baby to his grandparents. To hear Ian talk of him, it was clear to see Troy and him were very good friends. Ian had lost both his parents in a car accident while he was overseas. With his grandparents gone now, Troy was really his only immediate family.

  Boarding the private jet at JFK, I take my seat and buckle up. Ian is on the phone and he checks my seatbelt absentmindedly making sure it is cinched tight. I roll my eyes at him as he sits in the huge luxury leather seat across from me.

  “What kind of company are you running? I want that package found!” Ian yells into the phone. He is talking to the president of IPS right now, which was no easy task to get him to call him back. A few threatening phone calls later, Ian got a call back on the way to the airport. I've been listening to Ian all but threaten to take down the whole company if that over-nighted package isn’t found. “I don’t care what you have to do, find it and find it fast!” A few more choice words are spoken before Ian hangs up frustrated.

  I smile at him as sweetly as possible. I’ve told him over and over that I am so sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused him.

  “I saw that eye roll my beauty,” Ian says giving me his dimple smile. He is so handsome and brooding right now, all I want to do is climb on his lap.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say as innocently as I can and flutter my eyelashes at him.

  “You just wait…….” Ian adjusts in his seat and I can see his erection bulging, “till I get you alone.” He growls at me peering at me with those deep blues. I love that I have this effect on him. Everything I do turns him on and vice versa.

  “Oh yeah,” I say and kick off my high heels. Reaching my leg over to his lap, I rub my bare foot up and down is jean clad thigh. He grabs my toes and starts tickling. I try to jerk away, but his other hand has my calf and he is showing no mercy.

  “Stop….” I squeal trying to get the words out through laughter. “Ian…..stop, please!”

  “I can’t baby. I just love to hear you laugh, and I love this sexy foot of yours.” He's laughing, too, and I do love the sound of his sexy throaty laugh. We're interrupted by the stewardess as she walks into the cabin. He stops the tickling, but doesn’t let go of my foot. Even though I try to yank it away, he holds it firm and shoots me a warning look.

  “Can I get you guys something,” her face is flush, and I can see Ian is having an effect on her which is not unusual. Women take notice in the presence of Ian. He doesn’t seem to notice, and starts rubbing my foot.

  “What would like baby?” He asks me sweetly, his eyes never leaving mine. He is not even the slightest bit interested in the exotic looking beauty in the cabin with us.

  “Just water, thank you,” I tell the lady and she turns to Ian and her cheeks flush again.

  “And for you, Mr. Brady?” She says with an incredibly sexy voice.

  “Water,” he barks still not looking at her, annoyed that she is still here. She slinks away returning seconds later with two bottles of water.

  “Just push the call button if you need anything,” she says and I thank her as she disappears to the head of the plane shutting the door. The captain is on the loud speaker telling us that we are going to start to taxi down the runway, and we should be taking off shortly.

  Ian receives a call, and picks up his phone with one hand while still holding on to my foot with the other. I try again to get away but with no luck.

  “Yeah, we’ll be there in a of couple hours. I want to get Aubrey home and settled, and then we’ll be over.” He tells who I assume is Sam on the other end of the phone. Sam and his wife Miry are desperate to meet me apparently, and we are supposed to go to their house for supper tonight.

  I lie back in the chair and decide to relax, as Ian rubs my foot with expert strong fingers. He grabs my other foot when he’s off the phone, placing both of them in his lap, and fires up is laptop that is on the little table in front of him. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is Ian kissing me lightly on the lips.

  “Wake up sleeping beauty, we’re here.” I look up sleepily and see Ian’s handsome face smiling down at me. “You were out. Did you have a good nap baby?” He’s unbuckling me, and I stand up still groggy.

  “Apparently, I don’t even remember taking off.” Not being able to sleep on airplanes ever, I have never done that.

  “I wore you out last night, and it’s a good thing you’re rested up because I plan on wearing you out again tonight.” He gives me a panty dropping wink as he guides me out of the plane to a waiting black SUV just like his security in New York has.

  As we drive, I take in the breath taking views. Ian lives on Roanoke lsland, part of the Outer Banks, and he had told me he lived right on the beach. We pull up to his house and my eyes light up at the beach front mansion. I knew he was doing well with his company, but I guess I didn’t know he was doing that well. The house is amazing. Sam lives on the same beach only a few houses down.

  “Wow, baby this is an amazing house!” I look at him and he is beaming at me. />
  “I’m glad you like it. You’re the first woman I have ever brought here.” He states, getting out of the car and coming around to my door.

  “Really?” I question as he grabs my hand and helps me down out of the tall SUV.

  “Yes, really.” He looks upset that I am questioning him.

  “I guess when you look like you do, you don’t need to impress girls with your beach front mansion.” I smile up at him, I’ve seen the way girls look at him and I’m sure there have been a few romps in bathroom stalls.

  “Really?” He gives me a disapproving look.

  “I’s just calls them as I’s sees them.”

  “Yeah well so do I, and I have never had sex in this house before. That is going to change in about two seconds.” With that, he has me over his shoulder in caveman fashion and is hauling me through the front doors. I’m laughing hysterically, and I swat his ass as I am swinging with my face at his back. He swats me back playfully then his hand travels up my thigh under my skirt. His finger goes between my folds and he grabs and snaps the string of my thong.

  He sets me down on the counter top in his open floor plan kitchen, the cool marble on my thighs as he works his way between them. The counter is the perfect height for his erection to press against my center.

  He wraps his hand around the nape of my neck and pulls me to his lips. He kisses me, his expert tongue darting in and out of my mouth. My belly flips and my core tightens. His fingers travel up my thighs and he moves the thong to the side before he slips one in me.

  “You are so wet, baby” he growls biting my lower lip. “Tell me what you want baby,” he groans moving to slide my shirt over my head then throws it over his shoulder. He licks and sucks down my neck to the swell of my breast, and like every time we have sex, he freshens up one of the marks on my breast.

  “I want you…….oh god.” He has freed my breast from my bra, licking, and sucking on my nipple. I curl my fingers in his hair, arching my back to push into him, and start to claw at his shirt to get it off of him. He helps by leaving me for a moment to grab the back of his shirt, and pulls it over his head.

  “What do you want,” he orders moving to my other breast, he puts two fingers inside me and starts fucking me with them.

  “Ian please, baby now.” I mutter and I start to work on his belt with fumbling fingers. Getting it unbuckled, Ian draws his fingers from me putting them in my mouth moving them in and out slowly. Tasting myself on him is so insanely sexy, and even sexier as he watches me lick and suck at his fingers. His deep blues are the color of a storm, his jaw twitching. I hear the zipper and he takes his fingers out of my mouth to free himself.

  “Fuck baby, this is going to be hard and fast,” he growls as he thrusts into me. Even though I’ve had him in me about a thousand times in the past month, it still makes me gasp at the size of him. My insides throb around him as he moves in and out. He starts rubbing my clit with his thumb, my back arches. My head flies back in pleasure.

  “Eye’s baby, now,” he orders, I lift my head obeying his command. “You feel so good, god how I love your tight pussy.” One hand on my hip, he moves in and out. “I’m going to come, baby, you close?” His eyes never leave mine.

  “Yessssss!” I scream. Our orgasms come as one as I feel him spurting into me like hot lava. My body instantly goes limp and I rest my head on his shoulder listening to his hard breathing, his head buried in my neck.

  “God I love you,” he murmurs in my ear kissing lightly, and then gently bites the lobe.

  “Mmmmm,” I respond not being able to talk quite yet. I feel him smile against my neck and then he starts sucking, which brings me to attention. I don’t need a visible hickey on my neck like some teenager.

  Sitting up pushing his head away from me, he gives me a wicked grin with an innocent look like he was doing nothing wrong. "What?"

  “You know what!” I retort grabbing his face in my hands to keep him from trying to finish his work. He turns his head, grabbing my hands, kissing each of my palms.

  “Just marking what’s mine,” his smile and his deep blues do me in. He is just so freaking gorgeous standing there looking all love sick and innocent.

  “Yeah, you’ve done that already,” and I look down at my body. Little red marks all over me, some fading to just a little pink, some still bright red and fresh. I know I have at least five on my inner thighs. He rubs the freshest one on my breast with his thumb admiring his handy work, while still inside me, and not soft either. “Are you going to show me around this shit hole or what?” I laugh as he finally withdraws from me, giving me a look that says that this was just the first of many, many times of sex in his house.

  Chapter 5


  Showing Aubrey the master bedroom, her eyes light up at the view of the ocean that takes up one whole wall. I love that she loves my house, and since we are either going to be here or in the castle in New York, it is important to me that she thinks of this as her home. Because it is, she is never going to be without me by her side. She hasn’t argued with me on that fact. I haven’t given her the option.

  I think that she thinks it is just temporary with the Jim Olsen situation, but as far as I’m concerned we are living together, and that’s not going to change.

  “It’s so beautiful, Ian,” she says looking out at the view, and opens the French doors to walk out onto the deck, her hair flowing in the breeze. Since I’ve met her I’ve had a constant erection. Sometimes it goes semi hard, but mostly my soldier is ready for duty. I’ve become an expert at adjusting and hiding it when I need to, but seeing her lean over the deck looking down at the beach…..damn there he goes again. Control yourself man!

  I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her tiny waist. I smell her flowery hair blowing so gently around her face as she moves her hand to sweep it away. “Not as beautiful as you, my girl.” I’ve become a love sick puppy. I can’t seem to keep my hands off of her ever. I want to be touching her at all times, and if I can’t touch her I want her in my sight.

  Not just because of the threat of Jim Olsen, although that is why I won’t let her out of my sight, but because I just want her. I want her with me at all times. I know I need to go to the office tomorrow to take care of some stuff I can only do in person. The thought of leaving her for only just a few hours is horrible.

  I know she’s safe here. My security is excellent and I will have someone assigned to her when I’m not around. Also, no one other than Rex and Maggie knows she’s here. She was going to tell Ethan, but I put my foot down. Even though the back ground check I did on him was clean, I don’t quite trust him.

  “When are we supposed to be at Sam’s, I’m starving?” She asks, her stomach growling. She doesn’t eat very much, so when she says she’s hungry I know I need to feed her.

  “Not for a of couple hours, let’s go get you something to eat before we shower and get ready.”

  We walk to Sam and Miry’s, their house being only a short walk down the beach path from mine. Aubrey’s hand is in mine, she looks gorgeous in what she calls a sun dress. The breeze is blowing the thin fabric so I can make out her sweet curves. She put her hair up, and there are a few curls loose blowing in the breeze. Although I love her hair down, I do like the look of her hair up also. It shows off her slim long neck that I so love to kiss. The hallow of her throat drives me wild, especially when she swallows hard when I am kissing it. No wonder my cock is always hard, everything about this woman turns me on.

  She glances at me, I can see some apprehension in those green eyes and I don’t like it.

  “Are you nervous, baby?” I bring her hand up to mine kissing her soft knuckles.

  “I hope they like me,” she says with a weak smile.

  “They’ll love you. That I am certain of.” I reassure her, Sam being just like me will, of course, take to her right away. Miry is very sweet and down to earth. They were high school sweethearts that rekindled at a class reunion about five years ago. They were marr
ied almost instantly and Miry moved to North Carolina without a blink of an eye. She is an artist. Being able to paint anywhere, it was easy for her to move. I have a few of her paintings in my house. She is very talented to say the least.

  I ring the doorbell as we reach the front steps. Sam opens the door with a booming hello and a bear hug. He’s my height and build, but has blonde hair. He's tan, but he gets his from the sun. My skin has always been dark, having some Italian in my blood. It gets darker when I’ve been in the sun, but being in New York the past month, and it being fall, there wasn’t much of chance to be out.

  Being back in North Carolina, the warmth is nice. I’ve missed it, and I am ready for some fun in the sun.

  “Come in, come in,” Sam says finally letting me go from the bear hug. I guide Aubrey in first. Sam takes her in with his eyes before grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. “Aubrey, it is so nice to finally meet you,” Sam says all debonair. If he wasn’t my best friend I would probably lay him out for touching my girl.

  “Me too, I’ve heard so much about you,” she says politely as her cheeks flush pink. Aubrey hardly ever gets flush except in the bedroom, but it is rare to see it out of the bedroom.

  “Ian!” Miry squeals coming around the corner and giving me a hug before she turns to Aubrey. She wraps her arms around her giving her a hug like she's known her for years. She takes her face in her hands, and now her cheeks are very pink. “Beautiful, I am so happy to meet the girl that has finally tamed Ian. And I can see why, you are absolutely stunning.” Miry gushes all over her, and if one woman in the world could ever compete with my girls looks, it would be Miry. She's from the Philippine’s. Her family moved here when she was about five and she grew up with Sam in Iowa.

  She has that exotic look and she's so carefree and open with her body. It just makes her even sexier. But of course not as sexy as my girl.

  “Come,” she grabs Aubrey’s hand, dragging her to the kitchen. “Let’s have some wine and relax.” Aubrey follows shooting me a look before they disappear into the kitchen.